by Gina Catanzarite, Teen Writer! Director

Resolve is such a great Power Word.
It is the root of resolution. . . a word that gets bandied about a lot this time of year.
Any decent thesaurus will list a bevy of other Power Words to go with it: Determination. . . Doggedness. . . Tenacity. . . Control.
Control. That’s a seductive word, isn’t it? In the face of too many bleak and uncertain events in this world, it’s lovely to revel in a moment when we attempt to claim control over our own lives by uttering resolutions at Midnight on New Year’s Eve.
Of course, as many New Year’s Dieters, or Exercisers, or Money-Savers, or Job-Seekers, or Love-Seekers discover, resolutions don’t always work. In fact, some scientific studies show January 17th is the date when most resolutions fail!
Experts suggest New Year’s resolutions fail because they reflect unrealistic goals, or the expectation that a single act (such as losing weight) will change the person’s entire life. When those goals or expectations don’t work out, it can be damaging to the person’s sense of self-worth.
While 50% of the population make New Year’s Resolutions, only about 8% actually achieve them. So where does that leave everyone else? Stumbling, dissatisfied, through 365 days until their chance at making more resolutions rolls around again?
This article isn’t meant to be judge-y, or preachy, or anything-y, really – other than a pragmatic reminder that on any given day, at any given time, you can choose a Power Word and give that action a try.
Sure, Resolve is a great word. . . but so is Try.
Kindness is a pretty powerful word.
Those are all good words.
And, hey, how about VOTE?!? That’s a darn powerful word, too.
If we make any resolution at all for 2020, how about it’s that we all just resolve to cut ourselves a break? To stop manufacturing pressure and deadlines where none exist.
There is no special magic in a resolution made on January 1st . If you want Control over your life, all you have to do is understand that with each new second that ticks by, the opportunity is right there in front of you to try something, to embrace a Power Word, to say it, to live it. And, hey, if it doesn’t work that time, rest assured that the clock will tick into another new second when you get to try again.
When that great big shiny ball dropped on Times Square at Midnight, we all stepped into a new day, a new year, a new decade. When the sun rises tomorrow, we’ll all do exactly the same thing. And we’ll do it again the day after that, and the day after that.
And I believe the Power Word to define that situation is Hope.
Gina Catanzarite, owner/operator of Arania Productions, and an award-winning television producer, author, media consultant and teacher who has worked both nationally and locally in her fields since 1987.
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