by Beth Dolinar, Contributing Writer Remember “Silas Marner?” That’s the book most seventh or eight graders were assigned to read back in the day. Over the years I’ve learned that George Eliot’s novel about a lonely weaver has, for generations, …
by Beth Dolinar, Contributing Writer Remember “Silas Marner?” That’s the book most seventh or eight graders were assigned to read back in the day. Over the years I’ve learned that George Eliot’s novel about a lonely weaver has, for generations, …
Parents, believe it or not, summer is right around the corner and we need your help. For more than a decade, Luminari has been offering inspiring summer camps that provide opportunities for growth and skill development to local teens. …
by Dana Wineland O’Rourke, contributing writer I don’t remember the jingle our neighborhood ice cream truck played when I was a child, but hearing it brought joy and anticipation. I can’t describe the ringtone my iPhone makes when a Facetime …
by Christina Pettinato, contributing writer RING! BUZZ! RING! BUZZ! There is a moment when you realize the sudden pulsing light is not part of your sweet, slumbering dream. Grasping at the air with foggy uncertainty, you reach out in a …