Apply today for the 2024 Luminari Award Scholarship Contest Do you want to learn more about the world and how to make a positive difference in it? Do you enjoy writing and expressing your ideas? If you are a high …
Apply today for the 2024 Luminari Award Scholarship Contest Do you want to learn more about the world and how to make a positive difference in it? Do you enjoy writing and expressing your ideas? If you are a high …
by Beth Dolinar, contributing writer E-minor is my favorite. Most people learning to play guitar will agree that Em is their favorite—probably because it’s two fingers on two strings close together. It’s easy to get to, it’s fairly common in …
by Dana Wineland O’Rouke, contributing writer Bayberry candles, cut-out cookies, and Christmas cards have been a tradition in our home since we married forty-five years ago. While I addressed as many Christmas cards this year as last, our mailbox, and …
A musical journey of loss, grief and hope By Brett McCutcheon A young local composer and a 2023 instructor for Luminari’s Music Makers! camp, Brett McCutcheon, unveiled his deeply moving project, “The Ocean – five years” on September 30, 2023. …